Rocky Mountain Elk - BC

Elk prefer to live in the upper reaches of it’s Mountain environment, usually in the upper third in habitat where both trees and meadows dot the landscape. This is called sub alpine habitat and provides the Elk with good cover and lush grass. The sub alpine habitat tends to hold more winter snow longer into the summer, and the grass always seems to be greener and lusher than anywhere else on the mountain. The high elevations where Elk prefer to live often are snowed under by late fall, and the Elk must constantly move down with the deepening of the snow. Eventually, they find themselves in lower elevations, called winter ranges, where snow depth is shallow and grass greens up first in the spring.

BC Outfitters works with outfitters in Northern BC and Southern BC. The prices run from $ 6,500 to $ 10,000.  Elk can be hunted as a single species or on a mixed bag hunt. Several of the outfitters we work with consistently produce elk in the 320 - 380 range           

Contact BC Outfitters for more information.